Photo Gallery
Here are some photos of our school, some present and some past. Our bright classrooms are large and well suited for all of our daily activities. We have a large fenced-in playground outside for the kids to play. We are also fortunate to have a large indoor space to play in as well. Some of our events include visits from the Woburn Fire Department and Pediatric Dental Associates. Vists from a local author and Woburn Children’s Librarian. We also enjoy our annual Ice Cream Social, Christmas Show and Pageant, Graduation and Advancement ceremony. We have a lot fun in our preschool, yet it’s done in a structured way.
Enjoying Halloween 2014 on our 3 day group are Mrs. Lees, Mrs. Welch, Mrs. Zaccardi, Mrs. Tzovaras, Mrs. Millette, Mrs. Vassallo & Mrs. Lynch
Enjoying Halloween 2014 on our 2 day group are Mrs. Lees, Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. Maguire, Mrs. Millette, Mrs. Welch, Mrs. Zaccardi & Mrs. Vassallo
Thank you Troop 519 for cleaning LHBH’s playground! (August 2014)