Illness at School
If a child is already in the classroom at LHBH and shows signs of illness, he/she will immediately be attended to. If the child manifests any of the symptoms requiring exclusion (as listed on next page) or it is determined that it is in the best interest of the child that he/she be taken home, his/her parent will be contacted immediately and asked to pick the child up as soon as possible. The child will be offered a comfortable spot to rest in the classroom or preschool office. A staff member will remain with the child until the parent or contact person arrives for dismissal. If the situation proves to be an emergency, LHBH will follow the emergency procedures described in this booklet. A child who has been excluded from LHBH may return after being evaluated by a physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner, and it has been determined that he/she is considered to pose no serious health risk to him or herself or to the other children. LHBH reserves the right to make the final decision concerning the inclusion or exclusion of the child.
When a communicable disease has been introduced into LHBH, parents will be notified promptly in writing by the Director. Whenever possible, information regarding the communicable disease shall be made available to parents.
Illness at Home
Deciding when a child is too sick to go to school can be a difficult decision for parents to make. The staff at LHBH asks parents to use good judgment with regard to runny noses and coughs. Since our preschool group is based on young children, germs are easily spread by sharing toys and space. Even though LHBH staff disinfects all toy/tables on a regular basis, please use the guidelines (as listed on next page) when trying to decide to keep your child at home.
Children, who exhibit symptoms of the following types of infectious diseases, may be excluded from LHBH if it is determined that any of the following exist, as set forth by The Department of Early Education and Care of Massachusetts.
Please refer the document described in this booklet, Criteria for Excluding Children from Child Care, for further information on exclusion and/or illnesses.