Emergency Situations
Our lower than state mandated ratios enhance our ability to monitor the children at all times. During physical transitions, head counts and attendance lists are taken. Students are never without supervision in or outside the classroom while they are in our care. The LHBH staff strives for preventive measures to keep children safe at all times. Staffs and staff are able to communicate amongst each other via walkie talkies and phone while school is in session. Emergency procedures to ensure the safety of all children are in place. The lines of communication will be open and all staff will be alerted to the emergency situation.
LHBH staff is prepared to respond to a medical emergency. In an emergency, such as an allergic reaction, seizure, serious fall or serious wound, or life threatening situation an immediate call to Rescue 911 will be placed. The lead Staff will begin administration of emergency first aid while the assistant Staff or second Staff takes the other children to another area or room. Assistance will be sought from the LHBH Director or another staff person. The Director or supervisory staff will contact the parent/caregiver to inform them of the situation, and ask the parent/caregiver meet the child and accompanying staff at a local hospital. The child’s file will be taken, including permission forms and pertinent insurance information, if available.
If the emergency is non-life threating, the parent/caregiver will be contacted to transport the child to the hospital. The child will be kept comfortable and an LHBH staff member will remain with the child until the parent/caregiver arrives. When parents cannot be reached, those listed as emergency contacts will be called as further attempts to reach parents will take place.
The staff person who witnessed or discovered the emergency situation must fill out an incident report within 24 hours of its occurrence, stating the nature of the injury, date, time, and location. The report will be given to the Director/Staff and delivered to the parents within 24 hours. The information will also be transposed into the LHBH incident log. The parent/caregiver must sign the incident report for the child’s file.
During an LHBH field trip, a staff member is responsible for the care and supervision of the children whose parent or guardian is not attending. A staff member will carry emergency information and medications. Children are supervised at all times and every precaution is taken. If the parent/caregiver accompanies the child on the field trip, the parent/caregiver is responsible for the care and supervision of his/her child. The LHBH Director will carry a travel first aid kit during the field trip. If a child becomes ill on the field trip and the parent/caregiver is not present, the parent/caregiver would be contacted and a member of the LHBH staff would see that the child receives medical attention and remain with the child until the parent arrives. The method and urgency of medical treatment for the child will be determined by the Lead Staff based on the severity of the emergency or illness. If necessary, an ambulance will be called.